Changing consumer behavior has called upon corporations to put environmental, social and governance issues at the forefront of their business strategies. However, more importantly, internal diversity efforts have helped improve the process in which employees perceive a company’s ESG-focused strategies, furthering the conversation surrounding the importance of developing and implementing more progressive corporate social responsibility planning. 

In an attempt to sway public opinion, and address internal concerns, organizations are building more robust CSR frameworks, leveraging ESG-focused initiatives, partially supported by external frameworks and industry standardization practices. To further bolster these efforts, and to address critical climate and environmental issues more effectively, organizations are now starting to look outside of their internal structures to deliver more purpose-driven solutions to environmental and social issues.

Earth Day image

Since April 1970, Earth Day has become an internationally recognized event that is now celebrated by countries across the globe. Earth Day aims to address issues relating to the environment and how individual and organizational efforts can bolster environmental consciousness. 

During the first several years, Earth Day drew support from more than 20 million American protestors aiming to raise awareness against the rapid deterioration of critical natural resources and the importance of establishing environmental laws, regulations and compliance practices. 

Over the decades, Earth Day became more widely supported, having amassed more than 200 million supporters by the late 1990s and nearly a billion by 2000. Earth Day celebrates all the progress we’ve made since the year of its founding, however the conversation has now shifted to incorporate more progressive environmental policies that can help to combat climate change, mitigate impact driven by industrial activities and hold individual stakeholders accountable for their actions. 

Today, the larger purpose of Earth Day is to continuously promote the justification for environmental laws, and build towards initiatives that can help protect endangered ecosystems and safeguard earth’s natural resources for future generations by helping to inspire more actionable efforts to build a cleaner and sustainable environment. 

The link between Earth Day and corporate environmental strategies 

Rapidly deteriorating environmental conditions, alongside the depletion of natural resources and the impact of industrial activities, have put pressure on corporations to develop and implement more progressive environmental strategies. 

The focus here is not only on the internal justification of developing more sustainable solutions but rather on how organizational impact can drive change and better benefit communities. 

For clarification, corporate social responsibility is centered on building corporate strategies that focus on the broader view of companies’ or organizations’ environmental responsibility and the actionable steps they take to make sustainable improvements and enhance self-regulation and environmental accountability. 

On the other hand, environmental, social, and governance brings into question various metrics that can help stakeholders, including government entities, investors, employees and customers evaluate a company’s sustainability efforts. ESG places a strong emphasis on delivering reports using available data and is often administered by external bodies and regulators. 

In this case, we’ll be focusing on how Earth Day can help inspire CSR activities more effectively, ensuring the company’s commitment to serving purposeful environmental strategies that can benefit employees, investors, customers, and most importantly, the environment and surrounding communities.

Corporate social responsibility in practice 

For organizational leaders, CSR in practice can mean the following: 

  • Corporate strategies are developed in accordance with efforts to benefit communities and the societies they exist within. 
  • CSR deliverables are goal-oriented and can vary across organizations, departments and teams; however, these activities support the broader view and align with the company’s commitments and overall mission. 
  • Incorporation of accountability and self-regulation are critical elements within internal communication processes. 
  • Delivery of performance metrics is shared, communicated and discussed between management, investors and employees. 
  • Implementation of CSR initiatives serves as a benchmark for mitigating environmental and social harm. 
  • CSR is used in part as an indicator of company culture that aims to promote satisfactory employee conditions and improve overall performance. 

As more organizations begin to recognize the importance of incorporating CSR activities into their corporate practices, they are also finding the efforts lead to several beneficial advantages against market competitors:

  • Improves employee retention and engagement: The importance of having a palatable CSR mission may influence a company’s ability to hire, retain and onboard employees. In one study, researchers found that corporate social responsibility and internal and external CSR activities can improve employee satisfaction.
  • Improves cross-functional employee relationships: Similarly, having a strong understanding of CSR mission values may help develop more cross-functional employee relationships. This is seen in the same study, whereby researchers have found that implementation of CSR has a significant relationship with brand equity and brand reputation.
  • Boosts organizational performance: Social responsibility has become a way of measuring organizational financial success. One recent study has found mounting evidence that social responsibility, measured by ESG performance indicators, can have a direct positive effect on a company’s financial performance. 
  • Builds more optimized community relationships: Undertaking environmental and social challenges can further improve the community an organization may find itself in. By having more explicit CSR metrics, corporations have the ability to maximize relationships with community leaders, and further drive a more positive impact. 
  • Promotes corporate environmental citizenship: Companies that are confronted with environmental, economic and social constraints may often have more dynamic business models and align their strategies more effectively. Findings from a research paper indicate that having environmental strategies can have a long-term impact on a company’s performance. 
  • Protects long-term shareholder value: Improvements in corporate social responsibility do not only impact company reputation and employee satisfaction but can help to safeguard long-term shareholder value and mitigate potential financial risks. 
  • Provides access to new capital markets: Companies that develop CSR strategies with a focus on environmental importance can leverage new market opportunities through the support of local environmental policies.
  • Allows for more frequent collaboration: Companies can be encouraged to customize their CSR strategies to further their collaboration efforts with local communities, nonprofit organizations, non-governmental organizations and external stakeholders.
  • Promotes more effective environmental practices: Improving internal CSR strategies can impact external activities, which in turn could lead to organizations bringing about more effective change leadership.
  • Improves research and development: Investing in the proper CSR and ESG strategies would mean that companies are furthering the improvement of research and development for more environmentally friendly practices. With this, there can be more functional change taking place across various parts of the value chain such as sourcing, supply and demand, and customer delivery. 

The importance of Earth Day: today, tomorrow, forever

Change takes time, and we’ve seen this with many things before. However, conditions are becoming increasingly challenging and corporations have been called upon to take the lead and provide a more sophisticated and dynamic solution to our current environmental problems. 

Through promoting more robust and progressive corporate social responsibility strategies and aligning these efforts with environmental, social, and governance efforts, organizations can empower their internal structures more effectively and deliver more actionable results within the communities they serve. 

Our environmental issues are a complex, yet shared experience we are all responsible for. However, change is not possible without the proper guidance and leadership. By stepping up and seeing how things can be different and how corporate environmental strategies can be impacted by those things around us. 

We, alongside our communities and leaders, can find more actionable solutions that encourage sustainability and promote ethical and environmental citizenship across all business sectors. 

Read more: Earth Day 2024: Bringing communities together

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